خدمة سريعة لاستبدال أجزاء HMI الكاملة
منزل / The touch screen brand of VICPAS :

The touch screen brand of VICPAS :

What touch screen brand can VICPAS Touch Technology Company supply?

VICPAS Touch Technology Company is the leading touch screen and membrane keyboard suppliers! Quality is our culture. Every production we supply must be tested by 9 processes before leaving the factory. As important as the quality is , Time is also valuable for you and us. Our team can provide you with the most satisfactory production in the shortest time.

Please see the table below for our specific touch screen.

for Siemens for ELOfor 3M Microtouch
for  AMTfor DMCfor Danielson
for Fujistufor Liyitechfor Higgstec
for Gtouchfor Abontouchfor KDTouch
for EELYfor Hantouchfor Inotouch
for Versatouchfor GE FANUSfor Kienzle Systems
for TouchTronicfor VersaTouchfor Panjit
for TTIfor Other


3. Plastic cover

More NEWS:

Guangzhou VICPAS Touch Technology CO.,LTD

Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Tel : +86-158-7652-5394

Fax : 0086-020-38837509

Website : www.vicpas.com

Email : Jack@vicpas.com   sales@vicpas.com


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